Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Dear Dancers of Modern 204,

Congratulations on your fantastic work this quarter! I just posted the grades and I think you will all be pleased with your scores.

We did so many things and moved in so many different ways that in retrospect it seems we traveled a great journey together. Some things I had forgotten and was reminded as I was reading your final postings to the blog. Remember the toy phrase? Or the arrhythmic traveling? Or all the spinal articulation work we did at the beginning of the quarter? The butterflies?

From many of your postings, I heard about the discomfort and ultimately, the reward of moving beyond comfort zones. Although the gesture dance was beautiful, the postcards allowed the audience to see a very human side. You have now broken down the sound barrier. Allyssa, what exactly does Harry Potter do to cast a spell? Doesn’t he make a movement and use his voice? Perhaps, you did get into a Hogwart class after all.

Contact improvisation is a real love for me and I’m glad some of you enjoyed it as well. I will be hosting contact improvisation jams at the UW in winter quarter on the first and third Tuesday of the month. For those of you who haven’t made it a jam, these events are a great ways to dance and learn more about contact improvisation with members of the community that do it regularly. Elly - Touch is so important. I appreciate that you made the contact even though it was not easy. Consuelo and Shawna - I’m so glad to hear you experienced a connection through the form. Please join us at the jams in the new year! Look for the schedule on the bulletin boards in the hallway.

You are all so lovely and feel as though I got to see you as individual so many wonderful ways.

Kelsi - I love your scream. There is a priestess in that scream.
Kate - Your freedom of spirit is so great. It was fantastic to watch you approach the class with such fearlessness.
Fausto- YOU are fierce. FIERCE. So, fierce…Louis.
Anna - You are way too good for John Mayer. I mean, look at how he treats Jennifer Aniston.
Juanita - Thank you for sharing and I’m thrilled that you got the experience that you needed.
Amy - You are brilliant! Fantastic work this quarter.
Alisa - Dance me your stories. I would love to hear all your stories.
Gemma - You went first. Many times. When most everyone was most uncertain. Congratulations on your courage.
Brynn - Thank you for embracing it all. Through your posts, I have come to really appreciate the way you integrate everything you’re learning in an immediate and thoughtful way.
Rachel - You’re welcome and welcome to the UW. Thank you for letting us see your whole heart. As open as it is, it was easy to see.
Vi - Thank you for illuminating your past dance life in your post. Congratulations for facing the challenges this class must have presented. You did so with a wonderful integrity of spirit and always a smile. An admirable response!
Mike - I’ve got an image of you smiling and buttering toast for Thao stuck in my head.
Thao - I’ve got an image of you improvising on the black keys stuck in my head.
Kimberly - Your posts throughout the quarter have been exceptional. I admire the mature way you approach and synthesize your learning. Thanks for your words and your dancing.
Ashley - My first and parting impression is that you are busting out, breaking through and flying.
Lindsay - Wow. This class must have been a bit of a trip for you after having only one teacher for so long, but you went for it courageously. Thanks for your words about the cycle exercise. It was difficult for me to share it and I’m glad you found some connection to it.
Kristopher - I don’t think I’ve ever had such an inspired student. Your commitment and passion for dance is so clear and that it gives you so much joy is also so clear. Your smile lit the studio every day. Thank you for your hard work. Through your posts, I heard intelligent discernment of what you were taking in. It’s pleasure to teach students who want to learn as much as you do. Thank you.

Have a happy holiday everyone. It’s been a pleasure. Congratulations again on all your hard work.


Louis Gervais

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Final Posting


For a final posting, please take a moment and think about all the things we worked on this quarter and reflect on them. We worked on some phrases, Twyla Tharp, improvisation, focus, sound, language, gestures and contact. We covered many topics in the hopes of expanding your dance experience. What did you enjoy most? What was most challenging? How do you think this quarter changed your ideas about dance? What did you learn about yourself? Take some time to think about it and write a couple of paragraphs about your learning this quarter.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008


This week we worked with gestures. What does it feel like to make movements in dance that have specific meanings or theatrical contexts? How does this change the way you move? How is it different from abstract movement?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Vocalization solos


Fantastic work on Friday facing fears of vocalization and storytelling. Tell me what you learned from this experience. This is a second posting for last week. You can respond to either this one or the next one about the spiral/repetition exercise.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Repetitive cycle

Tell me about your experience with the cyclical movement idea.

Friday, November 7, 2008


What did you discover in your breath work class?